Dues keep us going. Pay your dues online or in person to remain a member in good standing and to keep our union growing.

Please note that the form below subscribes you for automatic monthly dues payments. If you would like to make a one-time payment or if you need to catch up with past dues, please click here.

Dues Level

Paying dues directly to the GMB (as opposed to the GHQ through Red Card) allows the branch to retain half of your dues (as opposed to none).

Need to catch up on past dues or pre-pay? Pay your past dues & pre-pay here.

You can pay dues online or in person with a delegate from our branch. When paying online, you'll receive an envelope in the mail with a stamp to place in your Red Card. If you prefer to pay in person with a delegate, come to one of our meetings or contact us.

Income changed? Contact us!

Not a member? Join today!

Online dues are processed using PayPal. Read PayPal's privacy policy.